Accessibility toolkit - making recruitment accessible for all

Posted over 3 years ago by Georgie Morton-Liddle

Georgie Morton-Liddle
Georgie Morton-Liddle Admin

When talent attraction is as competitive as ever, ensuring every candidate can engage easily with your careers content and apply for jobs is crucial. Accessibility for disabled candidates should be an important topic for talent acquisition teams - in the UK alone there is a disability employment gap of 28% (source: UK Parliament). Many people with disabilities face barriers that stop them from entering the workplace, but if the attraction and application experience is an accessible one, recruiters can tap into this huge pool of talent.

Through the addition of an integrated Accessibility Toolkit added to your Jobtrain candidate portal, you'll be opening access to an even broader range of potential hires. Amongst an array of features, the Accessibility Toolkit allows candidates to adjust font size, the contrast on the screen for the partially sighted, change the language or run the screen reader to read aloud website content.

Making your candidate hub accessible for all couldn’t be more important - the stats speak for themselves. In the UK alone:

  • 1.5 million people have a learning disability
  • 19% of working age adults are disabled 
  • 4.2 million people in the UK have English as a second language
  • 10% of the population is dyslexic 


Contact your Client Success Consultant for more information on the Recite Me Accessibility toolbar or to arrange a demo.

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