Assessment Forms Set Up Guide

Modified on Thu, 5 Oct, 2023 at 3:50 PM

What's included in this guide:

Part 1 - Overview

Assessment forms can be created or maintained within the Assessment Forms section of Settings.



Users can create their own bespoke questions within the Question Bank and add them to an Assessment Form. Utilising the Questions Bank ensures they can be used in multiple forms.

There is no limit on the number of assessment forms you can create. They can be named anything you like and contain different content for different purposes. Below is an overview of the different ways assessment forms can be utilised: 


Pre-assessment (killer) questions

  • Pre-assessment forms precede the application form
  • They are designed to stop candidates who do not meet essential criteria from progressing to the application form stage
  • They are designed to capture answers based on essential criteria and completion is mandatory
  • They are answered with yes/no style answers as they are Pass/Fail type questions


Scored and non-scored assessment questions

  • These assessment forms are displayed to candidates just before the declaration page
  • They are designed to gain a greater understanding of a candidate’s 'fit' for a role without the need to develop or read lengthy application forms. They can easily supplement a generic application form on a job by job basis
  • The forms can be created with various types of answers. For instance, free type text questions and multiple-choice selection questions
  • Questions in these forms can be scored or not scored. Scores can automatically be assigned for each candidate's answers.
  • If the form is automatically scored, there is an option to automatically change the status and auto-email candidates, dependent on the percentage score, to save administration


Shortlisting, Screening and Siftings forms

  • Screening /Shortlisting Forms can be used to guide users on how to assess applications and capture feedback and scores that ultimately inform the decision/next step (e.g. progress or reject)
  • For these forms the scores will have to be manually selected by the user when shortlisting rather than automatically calculating from the scores listed in the Options tab
  • They cannot be seen by candidates
  • Your reporting suite includes an ‘Initial Sift Report’ for users to analyse shortlisting data
  • Further information can be found within the separate guide to shortlisting by clicking here

Part 2 - Creating forms

Go to Settings and then Assessment Forms.

In Assessment Forms, click on New Forms, you will then be presented with the below page:

  • Form Name = add in the name of the assessment form, making sure it’s clearly labelled.
  • Form Type = Select the type of assessment form you would like to create
    • The form type determines which list of options the form will be associated with on the 'Add a Job: Assessment' page. This ensures that when you're adding or editing a job, the relevant forms are shown in the corresponding selection field.
Please note: 'Form Type' is a new field that was introduced in October 2023 and any forms created before this date might not have a 'Form Type' assigned to them.

If a form doesn't have a 'Form Type' assigned (which could be the case when this feature is first rolled out), those forms will still be visible and selectable in all the options within the 'Assessment' section when you're adding or editing a job.

When editing an existing assessment form with a blank 'Form Type,' the system will prompt you to provide this information before saving your changes.

  • Pass marks = Required number of points to pass the assessment (Only required for Scored Assessments).

This may not always be the highest achievable score, it’s essentially the lowest pass score.

For example: If you build a form with 5 multiple choice questions and each has three answer options which can score 0, 5 or 10 points then the pass marks for this assessment form would be 25.

  • Total score = The total number of points that a candidate can score. Using the above example this would 50. (Only required for Scored Assessments)
  • Instructions = Here you can add in instructions that would be displayed to shortlisters (Only required for Screening /Shortlisting forms).
  • Shortlisting result to be displayed = If ‘Panel Shortlisting Form' has been selected as the form type, this field will become visible. It enables you to specify whether the score displayed on the list of candidates’ page should be the total score of all shortlisting forms or the average score of all forms.

Finally, press save.

Part 3 - Questions

Once the form details have been saved a second page will now be displayed called Questions.


Here, you can add all the questions that candidates/shortlisters are required to answer.

Question types

There are 4 different question types that can be used:

  1. Multi-Choice (One Answer): A multiple choice question where candidates can only select one answer option
  2. Multi-Choice (More than one Answer): A multiple choice question where candidates can select multiple answers   
  3. Order of Importance: Requires candidates to rank the answer options in order of importance
  4. Text: This question requires candidates/ shortlisters to add their responses as text (This question type cannot be used in Killer Questions or Scored Questions as they cannot be automatically scored) 


Questions can be added to a form in two separate ways:

  1. By creating new questions either from the Questions tab within the assessment form itself or within the Question Bank
  2. By copying questions from the Question Bank

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Tip: To avoid adding duplicate questions, we recommend searching the question bank before adding a new question

Questions Bank

To access the Questions bank go to Settings > Assessment Forms > Questions Bank.  


The search bar on the page searches the question text to help you easily identify any existing questions. It’s also useful if you are updating any existing questions.  


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Copying Questions from the Question Bank

Go to the questions page of the Assessment form and select Copy From Question Bank


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A window will open where you can search and select the relevant questions you would like to add into the Assessment form using the check boxes.

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Once you have selected all questions, press Copy and the questions will be added to the assessment form.


Copying 'Pre-Assessment / Killer Questions' 


If you've chosen 'Pre-Assessment / Killer Questions' as the form type, only Multi-Choice questions with correct answers indicated will be shown in here.  


If the question you're looking for is missing, please make sure it meets this requirement. Please click here for further information on how these should be setup.


Copying Sifting, Screening and Shortlisting Questions 


When creating a question in the question bank, you won't find the 'For Shortlisting use only' section. It becomes visible only after you've copied the question into a Screening, Shortlisting, or Panel Shortlisting assessment form.


After copying the question, you'll need to edit it and choose the scoring options. Please click here for further information on how to do so.

If you make changes to a question added from the question bank once you have added it to the assessment form this will not affect the question saved in the question bank.

Changes made only affect the question in the form you’ve added it to.


Creating New Questions

Questions can be added to the system in two separate ways:

  • From the Questions tab within the assessment form itself
  • Within the Question Bank


Within the assessment form view:  



A screen shot of a question

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Within the question bank view: 


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Tip: Questions not created in the question bank will not be saved to the question bank. So, for questions you intend to use regularly, create them in the question bank first.

Candidate Assessment Form Questions 

Adding Pre Assessment / Killer questions


These are designed to quickly highlight candidates who do not meet the essential criteria for a role.

  • You can only use 'Multi-Choice (One Answer)' or 'Multi-Choice (More than one answer)' question types.
  • The system will prompt you to provide a minimum of 2 multi-choice options.
  • You must indicate at least one correct answer.

Select New Question:

A pop-up form will be displayed.


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  • Question no = The system will automatically give your question a number in the order you create them if creating from the assessment form itself. This number is the order the questions will be presented in
  • Question type = For killer questions the question type must be Multi-Choice (One Answer)’ or ‘Multi-Choice (More than one answer)’.  
  • Word limit = This can be left blank as it’s not applicable for killer questions.
  • Instruction = Here you can add in guidance for candidates
  • Question Text = Add in the question you are asking the candidate
  • Maximum points = Add in the maximum points that can be achieved in answering this question.
This is relevant only if you intend to automate candidate status changes and send automatic emails based on the percentage score, as explained later in this guide.
  • Possible correct answers = This will always be for killer questions with the question type of Multi Choice (One Answer).

Once you have added in all required information, press save.


You'll then be directed to the 'Options' tab where you should input the answer options.


  • Option Column = add in the wording for the answer option
  • Point = Add in 1 against the correct answer, the incorrect answers can be left as 0
    This is relevant only if you intend to automate candidate status changes and send automatic emails based on the percentage score, as explained later in this guide.
  • Correct order = here you can specify the order that the answers appear in
  • Correct = toggle this to yes against the correct answer


You must provide a minimum of two options on this page and indicate at least one as the correct answer.


Validation checks have been implemented on this page. You won't be able to save your work unless you have included a minimum of two options. If any information is missing, you'll receive prompts indicating what needs to be added.


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A red rectangular sign with white text

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Since questions created in the question bank aren't associated with a specific form type, correct / incorrect answer validation checks don't apply.

However, only 'Multi Choice (One Answer) / Multi Choice (More than one Answer)' questions with indicated correct answers will be available for selection when adding questions to the Pre-Assessment form.


Once you have added in all required information, press save.


You can change the order of how these questions appear by clicking edit against the questions, changing the question number and pressing save.

If you intend to automate candidate status changes and send automated emails based on the percentage score, it's essential to ensure that the Pass marks and Total score fields in the 'Assessment Form Details' tab are filled in accurately.

To find out more about how this works please click here.

Adding Scored candidate questions

Scored assessment forms can be completed by candidates as part of the application process.  


Their purpose is to provide a better understanding of a candidate's suitability for a role, eliminating the need for lengthy application forms.


These forms can be customised for each job and include various multiple-choice questions.


Scores are automatically calculated based on the candidate's answers.


If the form is automatically scored, there is an option to automatically change the status and auto-email candidates, dependent on the percentage score, to save administration.

Please note the automated scoring feature works on questions included in assessment forms that are completed by candidates as part of the application process.

For those questions completed by system users (such as shortlisting, screening, and sifting forms) the scores will have to be manually selected by the user when shortlisting rather than automatically calculating from the scores listed in the Options tab.

Either from the Questions tab within the assessment form itself or within the Question bank select New Question.


A pop-up form will be displayed.


  • Question no = The system will automatically give your question a number in the order you create them if creating from the assessment form itself. This number is the order the questions will be presented in.
  • Question type = For scored questions the question type must be Multi Choice (one answer) or Multi Choice (More than one answer). 
  • Word limit = This can be left blank as it’s not applicable for scored questions.
  • Instruction = Here you can add in guidance for candidates
  • Question Text = Add in the question you are asking the candidate
  • Maximum points = Add in the maximum points that can be achieved in answering this question. 

Example - If your question has 3 possible answers

- 1 is correct and earns 10 points 
- 2 is correct and earns 5 points 
- 3 is incorrect and earns 0 points 

Then the maximum points would be 10 points
  • Possible correct answers = Add in the total number of correct answers so using the above example this would be 2.


You can disregard the other fields on this page as they are not applicable for scored questions.


Once you have added in all required information, press save.


Next, you need to add in the option answers, to do so go to the Options tab.



  • Option = add in the wording for the answer option
  • Point = Add in how many points are scored for selecting this answer
  • Correct order = here you can specify the order that the answers appear in
  • Correct = toggle this to yes against the correct answers


Once you have added in all required information, press save.


You can change the order of how these questions appear by clicking edit against the questions, changing the question number and pressing save.


Don’t forget to make sure the pass marks and total score fields in the assessment form details tab are completed and correct.

Doing so means that once the form is added to a job you can set this up to automatically change the status and auto-email candidates, dependent on the percentage score, to save administration. 

To find out how to do so please click here.


Adding None Scored Candidate Questions  

Select New Question:


A pop-up form will be displayed.


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  • Question no = The system will automatically give your question a number in the order you create them if creating from the assessment form itself. This number is the order the questions will be presented in
  • Question type = Select the relevant questions type, you can use any question type for none scored forms.
  • Word limit = If the question type is Text, you can set a word limit for the candidate's answer here
  • Instruction = Here you can add in guidance for candidates
  • Question Text = Add in the question you are asking the candidate
  • Maximum points = This can be left blank for none scored questions  
  • Possible correct answers = This can be left blank for none scored questions

Click Save 


If the question type is multi choice then you will need to add in the option answers on the Options page.


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  • Option = add in the wording for the answer option
  • Point = This can be left blank for none scored questions  
  • Correct order = here you can specify the order that the answers appear in
  • Correct = This can be left blank for none scored questions  

Adding Scored matrix questions

Either from the Questions tab within the Assessment form itself or within the Question bank select New Question:


Within the assessment form view:  




Within the question bank view: 


A pop-up form will be displayed:



We will use the example question below to illustrate how to build a matrix scored question:


Rate Your Skills





(0 points)

(1 point)

(3 points)


(0 points)

(1 point)

(3 points)


(0 points)

(1 point)

(3 points)


  • Question no = The system will automatically give your question a number in the order you create them, if creating from the assessment form itself. This number is the order the questions will be presented in.
  • Question type = For matrix questions the question type must be either Multi Choice (one answer) or Multi Choice (More than one answer)
  • Word limit = This can be left blank as it’s not applicable for scored matrix questions.
  • Instruction = Here you can add in guidance for candidates
  • Question Text = Add in the question you are asking the candidate. Using the example question this would be ‘Rate your skills in the following Microsoft packages’ 
  • Maximum points = Add in the maximum points that can be achieved in answering this question. Using the example question this would be 9 
  • Possible correct answers = Add in the total number of correct answers. Using the example question this would be 6. 


Once you have added in all required information, press save.

Next you need to add in the option answers, to do so go to the Options tab.


  • Option = Add in the options. Using the example question the options would be Excel, Word & PowerPoint. 
  • Representing Letter = This can be left blank
  • In the column headers = Add in the criteria/options you are asking the candidate to select from. Using the example question this would be Basic, Intermediate & Advanced. 
  • Finally, under each option use the toggle to mark the correct answers and add in the score which will be given for each option.


Once you have added in all the required information, press save.


Don’t forget to make sure the pass marks and total score fields in the assessment form details tab are completed and correct.

Doing so means that once the form is added to a job you can set this up to automatically change the status and auto-email candidates, dependent on the percentage score, to save administration. 

To find out how to do so please click here.


Screening, Sifting & Panel Shortlisting Form Questions

Adding questions for use in Sifting, Screening and Panel shortlisting forms

Panel Shortlisting Form Questions

If you choose 'Panel Shortlisting' as the Form Type in the Assessment Form details page:

  • An additional option, 'Shortlisting result to be displayed,' will be visible on the Form Details page.
  • When users click 'Add New Question,' the 'For Shortlisting use only' section will be displayed.


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Sifting & Screening Forms Questions

If you've chosen 'Screening Form' or 'Shortlisting Form' as the Form Type in the Assessment Form details page, clicking 'Add New Question' will display the 'For Shortlisting use only' section.

Scoring Sifting, Screening & Shortlisting Forms

The scoring for shortlisting forms works differently from candidate assessment forms.


For these forms, the scores must be manually selected by the user when shortlisting rather than automatically calculating from the scores listed in the Options tab.

  • Question no: The system will automatically number your question in the order you create them if you’re creating from the assessment form itself. This number is the order that the questions will be presented.
  • Question type: Select the relevant question type. These questions typically fall into two categories: text questions and multi-choice questions. For text questions, users input their responses to the question text and select a score. For multi-choice questions, users choose an answer and then assign a score
  • Word limit: You can add a word limit here if required
  • Instruction: Add guidance for the system users completing the form
  • Question Text: Add in the question you are asking the system user
  • Maximum points: This can be disregarded as it is related to candidate assessment forms
  • Possible correct answers: This can be disregarded as it is related to candidate assessment forms


For Shortlisting Use Only

When creating or editing questions, there is a section at the bottom of the Details tab to complete named For Shortlisting use only.


In this section, decide if you would like the question to be mandatory or if you would like the shortlisters to score the candidate against this information and select a score from 1 to 25 to score from.

  • Display Score: Enable this if you would like the shortlisters to score this question.
  • Score out of: Select the number you would like the shortlister to score the question out of
  • Mandatory: Specify here whether the question should be mandatory


Once you have added the required information, press save

Please note: When creating a question in the question bank, you won't see the 'For Shortlisting use only' section. This section becomes visible only after you've copied the question into an assessment form of type Screening, Shortlisting, or Panel Shortlisting.

If the question type is multi-choice, then next you need to add in the option answers.


To do so go to the Options tab and then add the wording for the answer options


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Points, Correct Order and Correct columns on this page can be ignored for initial sift, screening and shortlisting forms as the autoscoring is only for candidate assessment forms.


Once you have added all the required information, press save.


Part 4 - Adding assessment forms to a job  

Go to the Assessment tab of the job. Here you can select to add assessment forms.


The Assessment Form Type set in the Assessment form determines which list the form will appear in on the 'Add a Job: Assessment' page. This ensures that when you add or edit a job, the relevant forms are displayed in the corresponding lookup field.

Please note: 'Form Type' is a new field that was introduced in October 2023 and any forms created before this date might not have a 'Form Type' assigned to them.

If a form doesn't have a 'Form Type' assigned (which could be the case when this feature is first rolled out), those forms will still be visible and selectable in all the options within the 'Assessment' section when you're adding or editing a job.

  • Do you want to add Pre-Assessment Forms (Killer Questions)? The questions appear at the very beginning of the form after a candidate has registered their details. They can be set up to auto-reject any candidate that doesn’t meet the minimum pass mark.
  • Do you want to add Assessment Forms? This will appear towards the end of the application form before the candidate submits their application.
  • Do you want to attach an Assessment form to 2nd stage application? This allows you to attach assessment forms to the 2nd stage application, this will be presented to candidates before they submit their 2nd stage application form.
  • Initial Sift/Telephone Screening Forms: These are online forms for hiring managers or recruiters to capture telephone screening information or complete manual shortlisting.
  • Panel Shortlist: This allows you to add an online shortlisting form for hiring managers or recruiters to use to complete panel shortlisting.


Part 5 - Automation

If the Pre Assessment / Killer Question or Candidate Assessment form is automatically scored, there is an option to automatically change the status and auto-email candidates, dependent on the percentage score, to save administration.


Once you have added your assessment forms to your job, click Save & Continue and the go back to the Assessment tab.

You will now see the Settings icon next to the forms you have added.

Clicking on this icon will then open up a new window: 



  • Pass Marks (%) = add in the % required to pass the assessment. 
For killer questions this will always be 100%
  • Check Status = this should be toggled on
  • Pass Status = the status they should be updated to if they pass their assessment
  • Pass Email = the email that should be sent to candidates that pass the assessment
  • Delay = here you can specify a delay in the email being sent
  • Fail Status = the status they should be updated to if they fail the assessment
  • Fail Email = the email that should be sent to the candidate if they fail the assessment
  • Delay = here you can specify a delay in the email being sent


For the pass status and fail status, if you have selected statuses that already have emails attached (e.g. Failed Assessment +Email) then you do not need to select a Pass or Fail email as the email attached to the status will automatically be triggered once the candidate is updated.


Do I need to switch on the automated emails and statuses for my killer questions?

Typically, no. Candidates are presented with the killer questions before they complete the application form.


If they fail the killer questions, they are presented with a message onscreen to advise they have not met the essential criteria. Most candidates chose not to proceed with their application at this point. However, some candidates may choose to continue with their application. They can be identified by a red X next to their name in the application form.


If you would like to automatically reject these candidates then you would setup the automated emails and status changes.

For killer questions the pass status would be the new application status (or equivalently named status in your site) and you would not need to specify a pass email as the application acknowledgement email will automatically triggered.

Why is the assessment form I have created not showing in the list of assessment forms within the Assessment tab of the job? 


The Assessment Form Type you've chosen may be causing your form to not appear in the expected section on the 'Add a Job: Assessment' page.


Ensure that the Assessment Form Type is correctly set to ensure your form appears where it should when adding or editing a job


I'm attempting to copy a question from the question bank into a Pre-Assessment / Killer Question form, but it's not visible. What could be the issue?


When copying questions from the Question Bank, only Multi Choice / Multi Choice (more than one Answer) questions that have indicated correct answers will be shown as options for inclusion in the Pre-Assessment form.  

To resolve this, please ensure that you update the question in the question bank by specifying a correct answer.


I've added a new question to the question bank, intending to use it for shortlisting, but I can't see the 'For Shortlisting use only' section. What should I do?

When creating a question in the question bank, you won't see the 'For Shortlisting use only' section. This section is only visible after you've copied the question into an assessment form of type ‘Screening Form, Shortlisting Form, or Panel Shortlisting Form’.

Part 6 - Examples

Pre-Assessment Forms (‘Killer Questions’)

Yes/No Job specific questions:

Do you have a full UK driving licence?
Do you have more than 3 points on your driving licence?
Have you held your full driving licence for 3 or more years?
Do you have a minimum of 6 months supervisory experience?
Do you have the Right to work in the UK (Asylum and Immigration Act 1996)?


Are you legally entitled to work in the UK?

Yes/No Job Specific questions – self-de-selecting style:

Our retail roles require selling and preparing food, long periods of standing and some lifting and carrying, as well as other tasks such as cleaning. Can you confirm that you are comfortable with these elements of the role? 

Our retail roles require working Sundays and bank holidays, as well as late hours as part of extended opening. Are you prepared to undertake these hours both generally and at short notice?

Our care roles require some overnights with our clients. Are you prepared to work unsociable hours and/or overnight shifts?

Scored assessment forms

Data Capture for Manual Screening (with word limit set)

Please describe an occasion when you have ensured the safety of yourselves and others. 

In no more than 300 words, please provide an example of when you had to make a difficult decision and what you did.

Please describe a recent situation when you were a great teammate and supported one or more of your colleagues.

Please give an example of when you had to improve something that did not work well or how it should have gone. What did you do? 

Please describe something you have done that delivered great customer service.  

Multiple choice with pass mark questions

(Company Culture-Fit style)

We’re interested in getting to know you a little better.  Please choose only ONE of the following statements that best reflects you:


  1. I like to be busy all the time
  2. I like to plan things in advance   


  1. I like lots of variety in my work   
  2. I like to do a job until it's finished


  1. I like to work alone and get my job done                           
  2. I like to work with and help others          


  1. I like to follow rules & processes when completing a task
  2. I like to find shortcuts when completing a task


  1. I like to make decisions and act quickly
  2. I like to leave decision making to others


  1. I am curious about people
  2. I am reserved


  1. I can be argumentative
  2. I respect authority                           


  1. I like working under pressure
  2. I like to take things as they come


  1. I like a job where I can work at my own pace
  2. I like a job that requires energy  


  1. I like to take responsibility for my actions
  2. I sometimes look for other people to blame when things go wrong



Matrix style Q&A


Rate Your Skills





(0 points)

(1 point)

(3 points)


(0 points)

(1 point)

(3 points)


(0 points)

(1 point)

(3 points)

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