February to June 2024 Updates

Posted 9 months ago by Georgie Morton-Liddle

Georgie Morton-Liddle
Georgie Morton-Liddle Admin

JUNE 2024


We’ve made several enhancements to our Right-to-Work (RTW) identity check feature, aimed at improving the flexibility of the identity verification process and providing increased visibility into the status of the check.

  • New Scheme field: A new "Scheme" field has been added to the Identity Check progress menu. This field works in correlation with the status field and provides additional information if any issues arise, such as an aborted check or missing mandatory documentation.
  • Enhanced Identity Report: The Framework and Scheme details are now included in the downloadable identity report, providing you with more comprehensive documentation.
  • Restart identity checks: You can now restart the identity verification process, particularly useful if checks have been aborted. Restarting will delete any previous data on the Identity Check progress page, including the report, but the history of previously requested checks will remain accessible in the History section.

    Upon restarting, the candidate’s details are resent to Yoti, generating a new Session ID. The candidate will receive an invitation email, which will be logged in their record in sent emails. The Identity Check Progress page will update with the new session details, reflecting the restart. More information in restarting an identity check.

For more details on our Right-to-Work feature, visit our guide.



We are pleased to introduce new enhancements to the Online Disclosure feature in Jobtrain. These updates ensure that completed checks are accurately and automatically reflected in the candidate record.

New features: Once checks are completed, the Online Disclosure section of the candidate record will automatically update and display:

  • Check result
  • Certificate issue date
  • Disclosure number

Email Merge Fields: Additionally, new merge fields have been created for Disclosure Outcome, Certificate Issued On and Disclosure Number. These can be inserted into email templates and accessed in the standard merge field reference table.

For more details, access our DBS Checking guide here.


Shortlisting upgrades are here

We have introduced a new icon and filter options to enhance the shortlisting process, making it easier to identify the status of each candidate and ensure that all required actions are completed efficiently.

  • New exclamation mark icon: this displays for shortlisters listed in the Job Access > Shortlisters section in the job who haven't completed the shortlisting form yet. By clicking this icon, it will open the candidate’s record with the Panel Shortlisting form in editing mode.
  • Filter options: Shortlisters now have filter options similar to those on the jobs page to allow them to easily identify any candidates awaiting their shortlisting

Shortlisting icons

There are three different icons that will display throughout the panel shortlisting process:

Exclamation mark icon

This icon is specifically shown to shortlisters listed in the Job Access > Shortlisters section in the job who haven't completed the shortlisting form yet. Clicking this icon will automatically open the candidate’s record with the Panel Shortlisting form editing mode activated.

Grey eye icon

This indicates there is one or more shortlisters who have not completed shortlisting for this candidate. If a listed shortlister has completed their form but other shortlisters haven't, they'll see this icon.

Blue eye icon

This indicates that all shortlisters have completed shortlisting for this candidate. It will appear with a score against it (either the average or total of all shortlister scores, whichever was chosen when the shortlisting form was built).

Filter options:

A new filter option is available to shortlisters, and job users with three choices:

  • Complete: Displays candidates with the blue eye icon and a score. This option shows candidates where all shortlisters have completed their shortlisting.
  • Incomplete: Lists candidates with a grey eye icon. These are candidates shortlisted by the user, but other shortlisters haven't completed their shortlisting yet.

For users who aren't designated shortlisters, this option shows candidates whose shortlisting forms haven't been completed by all involved.

  • Outstanding: Lists candidates with an exclamation icon. This option specifically displays candidates where the user is listed as a shortlister but hasn't completed the shortlisting form. This filter option only applies to designated shortlisters. 
This filter option only applies to designated shortlisters.

For more information, see our Shortlisting Forms guide here


Candidates can now upload images in both our of Onboarding products

In our commitment to enhancing flexibility in our standard and enhanced onboarding products, we're thrilled to introduce a new feature allowing candidates to upload images, alongside documents, when completing their onboarding and compliance packs.

For more information, see our Onboarding image upload release notes here


Introducing the Accept/Decline interview feature!

We’ve introduced a new feature so candidates can accept or decline an interview direct from an email. With links in the email to candidates, they can easily accept or decline interview invitations, enhancing their experience and improving visibility and efficiency for recruiters and interviewers.

This feature will also help reduce manual follow-up and allows for better tracking of candidates’ responses, ultimately decreasing interview no-shows and improving the recruitment process.

The accept/decline functionality can be used for any manual interview bookings, excluding those using the MS Teams feature as acceptance/declining is managed by your email browser/MS Teams invite process.

For more information, see Accept/Decline interview guide here.


New job alert expiry functionality

We have made some enhancements to candidate job alerts notifications by combining multiple job alerts into a single email and introducing expiry dates for alerts. This improvement aims to enhance the user experience and ensure candidates only receive alerts that are applicable to them.

Key changes:

  • Customisable alerts: Candidates can now customise job alert criteria to their preferences by choosing specific categories they're interested in and skip others.
  • Job alert expiry: Alerts now have expiry dates (one month is the default and can be extended to three months). Expired alerts will display as "Expired" and can be refreshed by editing and saving.
  • Email notifications: Job alerts are now combined into one email per alert, listing jobs by date posted. Emails include job location, closing date and direct links to job adverts.
  • Expiry notification: An automated email will notify candidates when their alert expires, with a link to renew.
  • Auto-populating Search & Alerts from Job Details: Upon saving the Job Details, any common fields such as Job Region, Department, Location will auto-populate in the Search & Alerts criteria.


No additional configuration is required. Upon launch of this feature, a job alert expiry email is added to all sites and configured in Settings. Steps on how to make changes are provided below:

  • Clients can customise the expiry email content in Settings > Communications > Email Templates. Just select the Job Alert has expired email template and make any necessary changes.
  • Job alert expiry emails are configured in Settings > System Customisation > Emails > Opportunity alert expiry email.


Change the date format in emails and contracts in Jobtrain

We are excited to announce a new feature that gives you the ability to choose the date format display when you use date merge fields in candidate contracts and offer letters.

This format will also apply when:

  • Sending manual emails through the communication option in the candidate list action menu.
  • Viewing contracts issued through standard or enhanced onboarding in the candidate site.
  • When using the print letter or print contract options.

The date format display can be configured in Settings > System Customisation > Date format for communications.

See our communications guide for more details.


Export and print interview date and time

We’ve now added the ability when exporting candidate details to also export their interview date and time.


Enhanced Onboarding product - improved compliance document management

We’ve made some improvements for better visibility when new documents are uploaded to replace a completed onboarding or compliance document.

New document uploads will now be logged in the candidate's history, including the date of upload, the user’s name who uploaded it and job details.

The compliance document upload policy has been updated to ensure that:

New uploads will display a green thumbs up icon.

The Mark Complete option will be available to use again.

Previous completion entries will remain in the history.

To learn more about Enhanced Onboarding, see our guide.


Onboarding column label change

What was once labelled as Additional Info, we have now renamed this column in both our standard and enhanced onboarding to Bank Details Included.



Add/remove documents in Onboarding

When you're setting up onboarding for candidates, keeping the momentum is crucial. For users of our Enhanced Onboarding feature, we're excited to reach out with news of an update.

Transform your onboarding process with a new feature to Add/Remove Documents in Onboarding. This innovative functionality puts you in control to effortlessly customise onboarding and compliance documents for each candidate, ensuring that they receive only the information that is truly relevant to their unique journey. It eliminates the need to create and manage multiple onboarding/compliance templates.

Read the release notes here: Onboarding and Compliance – Add / Remove Documents release notes.


Include more content in Candidate Packs

We’ve updated what can be included in Candidate Packs. You can now include the Supporting Documents that were originally attached to the advertised job advert, as well as any references submitted via the online reference portal.

For clients using our standard Onboarding feature, you will need to enable this in your chosen Security Roles. This is covered in our Onboarding guide here.


Making status notes clearer

When notes have been added when a candidate’s status is changed, a new purple notepad icon will be display in the candidate’s history for easier identification of the notes.

For more information, see our guide: Managing candidates.


Simplified navigation to job details and advert copy

From a candidate’s record, you can now click the Job Ref number. Clicking on this will open a new window to display essential job details, including the advert copy. We’ve made this change to help when you’re reviewing applications for easy comparison with the advert details.

For more information, see our guide: Managing candidates


Preview of onboarding and compliance and instructions

For our clients using our Standard Onboarding or Enhanced Onboarding features, you can now preview the instructions added to onboarding and compliance forms. By previewing the form on the client side, users can clearly see candidate instructions or add guidance for compliance forms that are to be completed by a system user.

For more information, see the relevant guide: Standard Onboarding guide and Enhanced Onboarding guide.


Green Room Onboarding becomes the Welcome Hub

Welcome to the Welcome Hub! We’ve renamed what was called the Green Room to the ‘Welcome Hub’. This label change is throughout Jobtrain from the client side of the system to the candidate side. For those clients who reference ‘Green Room’ in any email templates and communications, we advise you to update the wording to ‘Welcome Hub’.

Why have we done this? There was sometimes confusion around the name ‘Green Room’ and for some it wasn’t obvious what it was. That’s why we’ve renamed it so it’s far clearer for both candidates and clients.


Reporting on Bulk Recruitment jobs

For our clients using this feature, we’ve added additional reporting capabilities using the Advanced Insights tool. For more details, please take a look at our guides for more details:

Bulk Recruitment job posts

Advanced Insights – Bulk Recruitment Reporting


Introducing the dark mode

Dark mode allows individual client users to change the colour theme of their own individual Jobtrain user account. We’ve designed this new theme to enable those people who may find it easier to use Jobtrain in a darker colour theme.

For more details, read our guide here: Dark mode in Jobtrain.


New recruiter field

When creating a new job, we’ve added an optional Recruiter field on the Job Details page. This allows you to choose a recruiter from your list of system users. You can choose which system users can be designated as a ‘Recruiter’ from the system user’s profile. Once this feature is enabled, it can be added as an additional column on the list of jobs page and searchable in the Search Jobs section. Plus, you can report on this field in our Advanced Insights reporting tool.

Keen to switch this on? Contact our support team to enable this feature.

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