Onboarding User Guide

Modified on Tue, 11 Jun at 11:08 AM

What's included in this guide:

Section 1 - onboarding a candidate

Starting the onboarding process - completing the Starter Form

On the List of Candidates dashboard, check the box next to the candidate you would like to start onboarding for. Click the Starter Form button on the left-hand menu under Make Offer.



Complete all required information on the new starter form, then press Save.



Keeping the box checked against the candidate, select the Onboarding option in the left-hand menu. Three options are available:

  1. Start Onboarding & References
  2. Start Onboarding
  3. Start References

Choose the option relevant for your internal process (all options are covered below).



Start Onboarding

Select Start Onboarding and a setup box will display. Complete all dropdowns to confirm:

  1. Offer pack 
  2. Onboarding Owner - the individual(s) responsible for managing the candidate's onboarding progress
  3. Hiring Manager



Press Save & Continue.

The Offer pack content will be displayed. If required, you can preview and replace documents/contracts as well as edit the contract content using the buttons under each of the documents.


Press Start Onboarding.

The candidate's status will automatically update and an email will be sent to the candidate asking them to login and complete their onboarding documents.  

The candidate's status will automatically change to the one assigned in your Onboarding settings and the email sent will be attached to the candidate application status within General Settings.

Start References

On the List of Candidates dashboard, check the box next to the candidate that you would like to start the referencing process for. Then select Start References in the left-hand menu under Make Offer.

A setup box will display. Complete all dropdowns to confirm:

  • The Email to be sent to the referees
  • Relevant reference form for completion
    • If more than one type of reference form is required dependent on the referee, then select one version of the form here and trigger references for those referees.
    • To trigger a different type of reference request, please use the Add new reference option on the reference tab. Here you can select a different reference form for the remaining referees.
  • Reference Admin - the individual(s) responsible for managing the candidate's referencing progress
When creating email templates for referencing, it is important to include the correct tags as the referee login, username and password are generated using them. For guidance, please see the example email template.



Press Save & Continue.

A list of the reference contacts provided by the candidate will then be displayed. Select which referees you would like to send references to by toggling the button against Send reference email to this Referee.

There is also this question: 'Do you give permission to take up this reference prior to an offer of employment being made?'  

If this question is used in the application form, then the candidate's answer will be displayed here. Please note, if you do not include this question in your application, then the Yes/No answer box will be blank.

Press Save & Continue.

An email will then be sent to the referee including login details to log in to the referencing portal and complete the online referencing form.

Did you know? You can now specify the minimum number of references you require from candidates during the application process. Please click here for details on how to do so.  

Adding New Reference

Once references have been requested, the Add New Reference button allows a ‘quick add’ of basic new referee details, as well as the ability to proceed immediately to requesting a new reference.



System Alert: Reference Reminders

  • In Settings > System Alerts, send (up to a maximum) of five automated reference reminder emails.

Reminder emails cannot be sent indefinitely as there is a risk the 'from' email address will be blocked as spam if reminders continue to auto-send.

The number of email reminders that can be issued is therefore limited to five.

Start Onboarding & References

To start both the onboarding and reference process at the same time, select Start Onboarding & References.

A setup box will be displayed and include options to initiate both processes.



Complete steps as outlined in the above sections (Start Onboarding / Start References).

The referencing page will be displayed first, followed by the offer pack.

Candidate experience

When a candidate receives a notification to complete their onboarding, they will log into their profile as a returning candidate. 

  • Start Onboarding will be displayed against the relevant job application.


Selecting this link will take the candidate to their personalised offer pack where they can view each document, agree to or decline the contract/ document, download and (if necessary) upload or complete any online forms as required.

When agreeing to a document / contract, clicking Agree will take the candidate through to the Onboarding Agreed page where they will be able to either type in a stylised signature or sign free hand. A time/date stamp, which is visible from the client and candidate side, will also be added at this point.



As the candidate completes these actions, the onboarding owner will see real time updates on their onboarding dashboard.

Managing a candidate's onboarding

New Starters

The New Starters dashboard can be accessed from the left-hand menus on either the homepage or candidate pages (View Onboarding Progress). 

The dashboard will display all new starters assigned to you as the onboarding owner.


Superusers can typically view all new starters.


  • Offer Date is the date the candidate reached the Offer Accepted status (set in system customisation) against this job. If the candidate has not been updated to the Offer Accepted status, their offer date just mirrors the Issued Date. 
  • Issued Date is the date the onboarding process was started
  • Icons in this section indicate the progress of each candidate against each document - hovering over each icon will give a brief description of its meaning.
  • From the left-hand menu, you can also view the completed New Starter Form against each candidate, complete a checklist or send the candidate an email or text message (subject to your functionality and process).
  • Clicking on the candidate's name will take you to the candidate's record to reveal a more detailed view of the onboarding information that was sent to them and what areas are still outstanding.


If you need to reset the candidate's onboarding (for instance if they have been sent the incorrect information), you can do this by selecting the Reset Onboarding Template.

Please note, all existing onboarding information will be lost if you do this – if you only need to reset one element of the candidate’s onboarding then we would recommend using the Reset Item feature.

Reviewing candidate information

You can review the information the candidate has completed / uploaded by using the Preview Contract, Preview Uploaded and Preview Form buttons.


Viewing Signed Candidate Documents

If you select to Preview Contract as Word Document this will download the contract as a Word document to your device and will include the candidate's signature and the date they agreed to the contract.  


Please note: The candidate’s signature and date they agreed to the contract will only be visible when previewing the Word document, providing the relevant merge fields are present in the contract.

Please click here to view further details of how to check and add in these merge fields if they are not present.

If a candidate has completed and signed an onboarding form, you can view the candidate's signature when you select Preview Form.


When previewing the form there are additional options at the bottom of the page that allow you to print and/or export the form as a Word document – both options will include the candidate's signature.

Top tip: Use Candidate Packs, accessible in the left-hand menu under Communication, to send onboarding documents via email. This email will include the candidate's captured signatures on the respective documents.


Marking candidates as Onboarding Complete

When all onboarding has been completed, within My New Starters, check next to the candidate's name and select Onboarding Complete in the left-hand menu. 

This removes the candidate from the onboarding dashboard and sends the onboarding complete email (if set in onboarding settings). This action will also give the candidate access to their onboarding Welcome Hub (if set in the onboarding template).


Resetting Onboarding Templates

You can reset the candidate's onboarding (for instance if they have been sent the incorrect information).

Important: Resetting the Onboarding Template will remove all current onboarding / compliance data, including any documents completed by candidates.

The system will replace this information with the newly selected onboarding template during the reset process.

Keep in mind that once this data is wiped, it cannot be recovered. Therefore, only choose this option if you do not need to retain any of the existing content in the system.

To do so navigate to the Onboarding / References section of the candidate's record.

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Then simply click the Reset Onboarding Template: 

You will then be directed to a page that allows to select the relevant onboarding template and restart the process.


This triggers a new email to the candidate asking them to login and review their offer details. The candidate’s history and sent emails will update to reflect this.

Reset Item

You can reset an item within a candidate's Onboarding. Do this by going to Onboarding Progress > Reset Item:


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If you choose to reset the Onboarding, you can set up an email that will be sent when resetting the Onboarding to inform the candidate to review and return the re-issued item.


This is set up by going to Settings > System Customisation > Emails > Onboarding Process:


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My References

The References dashboard can be accessed from the left-hand menu on your Homepage.


Within this tile, you can track the progress of each individual reference requested and filter this list down by the System Users assigned to look after the monitoring of a candidate's references.



Press View to see the candidate's details within the original candidate listing against the job record. This is required if you wish to reset or send additional references.

Select a candidate's name to see the specific reference details gathered.

Viewing onboarding and reference information within a candidate's record

Within a candidate's record, select the More menu:

Choose Onboarding / References option from the menu:


The onboarding and reference information will appear under two sub-tabs on the right-hand side of the candidate record. 

  • Onboarding Progress
  • References Progress

Onboarding Progress

The first sub-tab, Onboarding Progress, displays all onboarding information and allows the onboarding template to be reset if required.

To see which onboarding template was used to onboard the candidate, go to the candidate’s history. Select the name of the user who started the onboarding process and a pop up will appear onscreen with this information.

References Progress

The second sub-tab, References Progress, displays referee information and status, along with the options to:

  • Add New References
  • Reset All References
  • Send Reminder
  • Access the Reference Form

Top Tip: Add the merge fields below to your Reference Reminder email template to resend login details to the referee: 

Username = {UserName} 
Password = {Password}

Reminder Reference Last Sent On: This will show the Date/Time of any System Alert Reminder emails and those sent using the Send Reminder button displayed in the above screenshot.


Click this to view the reference history for that candidate.

Requesting additional references 

Navigate to the Onboarding / References section of the candidate's record to request additional references.

Once the references have been requested, there is an Add New Reference button within the candidate's record. 

  • This can be used to do a ‘quick add’ of basic new referee details, as well as the ability to proceed immediately to requesting a new reference.
  • This can also be used to trigger different types of reference request, where you can select a different reference form for any remaining referees.

Sending the reference request to remaining referees

Once you have selected Add New References you will see the below page which displays details of the candidates’ referees who have not yet been sent a reference request and the option to add a new referee.

  • Select the Email for Referees
  • Select References Form 
  • Toggle on Send reference email to this referee  
  • Save & Continue 

You will see a message onscreen to advise the reference process has successfully started and the reference request email will be triggered to the referees.


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Adding a New Referee

Sometimes scenarios arise whereby a candidate has provided additional references that weren’t supplied at initial application.

The quick add feature allows you to simply add the referees and trigger the reference request on one page.


To add a new referee simply input the referee’s name and email address and then

select Add Reference.

A pop up will display to advise this has been successfully saved and the page will update to show the newly added referee in the request references section.


You can then trigger the reference request by following the steps detailed above.

Updating and resending reference requests when the referencing process has already been started

If you have already started the referencing process for a candidate but are advised that the information provided at application stage is incorrect or has changed, you can resend the request without wiping all other references.


To do so, simply edit the candidate’s application form to amend the contact details for the referee.


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Then via the References progress page in the candidate’s record, select the Send Reminder button.


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In the To field, select the name of the referee and then select the reference reminder email template in the Select an email section and then press Send. 



Within the References Progress tab the 'Reminder Reference Last Sent On' will update with the date and time that the reference reminder was sent on.

It’s important you select the reference reminder email template when following these steps to ensure the updated username and password are sent to the referee.

If you don’t currently have an email template setup for online reference request reminders, then take a look at the example email templates covered later in this guide.

Viewing and completing as a referee

When the referee follows the link provided in the email to them, they will initially be required to log-in.

The reference must be completed in one single session and the password is valid for a single use only.


A welcome message will be presented and they will be required to select Continue to Reference Form or Decline.


If they choose to continue, the reference form will be displayed. When all fields have been completed, the referee will be required to sign the declaration (text or free hand) and press Save and Continue.


Should the referee click the Decline button, they will be asked to provide a reason for declining to provide a reference.


A candidate has withdrawn their application for a role, but we have already started the onboarding process for them. How do we remove this candidate from the New Starters tile without triggering the onboarding complete email? 

You can enable a button on the New Starters page entitled Remove Onboarding & References.


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Select the candidate and then click the button to remove the candidate from the New Starters page. This will remove the candidate from My New Starters without triggering an email.

Please be aware that it will also remove all references and onboarding documents for the selected candidate so should be used with caution.


This action is recorded in the candidate’s history, so you can easily see if a candidate has been selected to be removed from onboarding / references and the user that did it.

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If this button is not currently activated on your site, you can simply switch this on by going to Settings > Security Roles and toggle the delete button to green against My New Starters.  


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How can I see which onboarding template was used to onboard the candidate? 

To see which onboarding template was used to onboard the candidate you can view this information in the candidate’s history.


Simply click on the name of the user who started the onboarding process and a pop up will appear onscreen with this information.

Can I start the onboarding process multiple candidates at the same time?

Yes, you can start the onboarding process for up to 5 candidates at the same time.

Can candidates upload images when completing their onboarding pack? 


Yes, if an item is marked as ‘Upload’ in the onboarding template then candidates can upload both documents and images. The system will automatically compress images into appropriate dimensions/resolution.


Can completed online references be sent via candidate packs? 

Yes and access to do can be controlled via security roles. To enable this for a security role go to Settings > Security Roles > Jobs & Talent Pools. Scroll down to List Candidate – Candidate Pack Online References



Do all onboarding documents get removed when a candidate's profile is deleted? 

Yes, in compliance with GDPR regulations, all personally identifiable information is deleted from the system. This deletion occurs either in line with your archiving setup (configured in settings > system customisation) or when a candidate deletes their application/profile from the candidate site.

You can exclude candidates at specific statuses from archiving processes. For more details, please contact our support team for assistance.


Please note: If you choose to exclude candidates from archiving, the candidates’ terms and conditions should be updated to reflect this.

Can I specify the date format when using date merge fields in contracts? 

You can customise the appearance of the date merge fields in candidate contracts and offer letters. This feature enables you to choose a long format such as "Tuesday 26th March, 2024" for a more professional contract or letter appearance.


To specify the date format go to Settings > System Customisation > Set the date format and select the preferred date format for communications.


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Please note that this also controls the date format display for when sending manual emails through the communication option in the candidate list action menu.


Section 2 - building/maintaining Onboarding

Enabling access to Onboarding - Settings

Select System Settings > Security Roles and choose the security role that needs access to onboarding.

On the Settings tab, toggle on all the Onboarding sections that the security role needs access to and press Save. 

Setting up Contracts - Contract Sections

The first step in creating new Onboarding contracts is to create the Contract sections.  These are designed to allow you to either add the whole contract in one section or create separate sections for each clause or section of the contract.

Click on Settings > Communication > Contract Options > Contract Sections.

Select New Contract Section from the left-hand menu.

  • Add a contract section title. If you're adding contracts in one section, give this the same title as the contract will have. If you're using it to add a section or clause, give this section the name of the clause/section.

  • Enter the information into the text box and use the available formatting tools to edit as required.
As with any copied wording, we advise to copy the content into Notepad (or equivalent programme) before copying into Jobtrain to ensure all hidden formatting is removed.

Using merge fields

  • To add a merge field, use the search box next to Insert/Update Date Field to start typing the name of the field you wish to use or you can click on the magnifying glass and this will show you a complete list of fields available.

  • Once you have found your chosen merge field, make sure your cursor in the text box is in the place you would like to insert the merge field and then click Insert/Update Date Field. Merge fields can only be added one at a time
  • Your merge field will now be visible.  

TIP: You can add merge fields to contracts to pull in today’s date, the candidate’s signature and the date they agreed to the document.

Today’s date merge field = {TodayDate}
Signature merge field = {Signature}
Agreement date = {AgreedToTermsOn}

We advise saving the changes to your contract section as you are working through. This will prevent you from losing any changes as the system will timeout after a period of inactivity.

Date Merge fields 

You can customise the appearance of date merge fields in candidate contracts and offer letters. This feature enables you to choose a long format such as "Tuesday 26th March, 2024" for a more professional contract or letter appearance.


To specify the date format go to Settings > System Customisation > Set the date format and select the preferred date format for communications.


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Formatting Contracts

  • To add an indent to any points of your contract section, use the  button on the text editor menu.
  • To add a link to a website, click the paperclip icon in the text editor menu.

The below window will then open:

  • Add Display Text: this is the wording that will be displayed in the contract. So in the above example when a candidate selects ‘click here’ they will then be directed to the website entered.
  • Link Type: select URL  
  • Protocol: choose what precedes the URL - https:// or http:// or one of the other options available
  • URL: add the URL/link

Press OK. The link will now be added to the contract section.

Once complete press Save.

To add a link to an email address, click the paperclip icon in the text editor menu.

The below window will then open:


  • Link Type: select E-mail
  • E-Mail Address: add the email address here
  • Message Subject: add the message subject

Press OK. The link will now be added to the contract section.

 To add a table, click on the table icon and then use the details below to set up your table. Once done, select OK. Your table will now appear for you to type in or copy and paste details across.

Once complete, press Save.


After the contract sections are complete, you can begin to create contracts. Select Settings > Communication > Contract Options > Contracts.

Select Create Contract from the left-hand menu.

  • Enter the contract name in the Subject box (you don't need to include Location or Department) and press Save.
  • Select the relevant contract sections to add to the contract and press Save.

Each section added will appear underneath. Simply press Remove if any edits are required.

Once you have created your contract and contract sections the next step is to attach this to the relevant onboarding template click here to view this section of the guide.

Amending contracts and updating onboarding templates

Over time it’s inevitable that you will need to update your existing contracts in line with internal changes within your company. Please follow the steps below to do so:

Step 1

Select Settings > Communication > Contract Options > Contract Sections.


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Select the name of the contract section to edit.



Once you have made the required changes press Save.

Please see the guidance earlier in this guide on how to make detailed changes to the contract by clicking here.

Step 2

The next step is to replace the contract section(s) within the contract. Select Settings > Communication > Contract Options > Contracts.


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Choose the contract to edit.



Press Remove. Insert the amended contract by selecting Insert Contract Sections.


Select the amended contract and Save.

Step 3

Finally, you need to attach the amended contract to the onboarding template. Select Settings > Onboarding Setup > Onboarding Templates



Select the template to amend.



In the Contract column – use the to remove the existing contract. You can now select the newly updated contract.


Press Save.

Onboarding set-up

To prevent updates to Onboarding or Compliance templates from affecting candidates / users mid-way through the process, we have made some changes to Onboarding / Compliance Settings and Templates.

Select Settings > Onboarding Setup.

Onboarding Overall Settings

The Onboarding Settings area is where you can find a complete list of item categories available for onboarding purposes. 

This includes an in depth set of onboarding categories that you can use.

Once you've selected a category from the list, the Onboarding templates enables you to customise the specific documents, forms or content that will be linked with that onboarding category for a given type of offer.

Changes to the Onboarding Settings:

  • The document list title can no longer be edited.
    • Once you have saved the new item, the text boxes will disappear and revert to a non-editable display.
  • You can now click and drag to re-order the display of Onboarding or Compliance items.
  • If you need to change or re-label an existing item, click Add New and enter a new label for the item.
    • Once you have done this, use the remove icon to remove any Onboarding sections that are no longer required).

If there are any Onboarding templates with content against the category, users are prompted to review the specific Onboarding templates that include the content against the item that you are removing.

You can copy and create a new version of the Onboarding templates that do not include the item that is being removed.

Please note: Any existing onboarding or compliance templates in place prior to the changes will not be altered.

Document Types

This allows you to categorise documents that are added to the Onboarding document library. This is normally set up with one label of Onboarding, however, you can add as many categories as you wish - e.g. handbooks, useful guidance, polices, etc.

Document Library

Add any other documents here that you'd like to be included with the Onboarding templates, in addition to the contracts.


  • Select New Document.
  • Add a document name and a 'candidate-friendly' title. Choose the required Document Category from the drop-down options and upload the document required.

The upload limit per document is 1MB.

Onboarding Settings

This section allows you to customise the Onboarding process by confirming which emails are automatically triggered and which status starts the process.


Onboarding Status: the status that the candidate will update to when the Onboarding process is started.

Important: Don’t forget to attach an email template to the selected ‘Onboarding Status’ to ensure that candidates are notified once the onboarding process has been started.

To do so go to Settings > General Settings > Candidate Application Statuses.

Click here for further information.

Onboarding Agreed Email: the email that is sent once the candidate has agreed to an onboarding document such as offer letter or contract.

Onboarding Declined Email: the email that is sent to candidates that have rejected one or more documents in their onboarding template.

Onboarding Complete Email: the email that is triggered once the candidate's onboarding has been checked and marked as complete by the new starter admin.

Invalid Information Email: the email that is sent if the candidate provides one or more pieces of incorrect information/misses an important piece of information on a submitted document. To send this email, the recruiter marks the document as invalid, which triggers this email to the candidate.

Onboarding Text: add in some welcome/guidance content for candidates when they begin their onboarding.

The Document(s) List tab is where you describe each document section in the onboarding templates and add a short label for each corresponding section in the New Starter section on the Homepage.


Important: Once you have built your Document List it is not possible to make changes on this page – there will be updates coming in future to allow this page to be amended.

Onboarding Forms

Onboarding Forms allow you to build forms for candidates to complete online.

  • Select New Form from the left-hand menu, enter a title and any instructions and press Save.
    Any instructions added will be displayed to the candidate when they are completing the online form and when previewing the form from the client side.

  • If you would like to capture a signature from the candidate when they are completing the onboarding form, toggle on Is Signature Allowed.

  • Once toggled on, another option will appear entitled Is Signature Mandatory, which allows you to determine whether it should be mandatory for the candidate to sign the form.

The 2nd tab displayed is where you add questions to the form:

As in the standard assessment forms, there are a number of actions available to you: 

  • Reorder.
  • Matrix question: e.g. to ask candidates their availability to work on different days of the week, or their uniform size.
  • New Question: creates a new question in one of the following formats:
    • Multi-Choice (One answer): Presents a radio button against each option, however the candidate is only able to choose one response.
    • Multi-Choice (more than one answer): Presents the options with a checkbox against each.  The candidate can select as many answers as they wish.
    • Order of Importance: Present the options with a small entry field against each option, where the candidate can enter a numerical value to rank the selections.
    • Free Text: A large, free text field
    • Short Text: A smaller free text field 
  • Section header: inserts a heading.
  • Instructions: inserts text instructions.
  • Date: a calendar dd/mm/yyyy field, with a calendar picker for the candidate to use.

Add the question content and choose if it is mandatory or not and press SaveFor questions such as multiple-choice questions, add in the options on the Options tab then press Save again.


If you are editing an existing onboarding form, once you have saved the changes these will automatically update in any onboarding templates that have the form attached so there is no need to reattach the forms to the onboarding templates. 

You will only need to add newly created onboarding forms to the onboarding templates.  

Onboarding Templates

The final step to set up Onboarding is to create the onboarding templates. These templates form your offer packs. 

Go to Settings > Onboarding Setup > Onboarding Templates.


You will see a list of all existing Onboarding Templates. Each template shows its creation date and indicates if bank details are included (if this feature is enabled).


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Select New Template from the left-hand menu. Give the template a name and press Save. The below onboarding sections will then be displayed.



For each section, select the relevant contract, document or form which make up the offer pack.


If the candidate needs to download/upload the document, tick the Upload box next to that document.

Did you know? Candidates can now upload images as well as documents when a document upload has been requested.

Once you have added everything you need into your onboarding template, press Save.

Onboarding templates enable you to customise the specific documents, forms or content that will be associated with that onboarding pack for a given type of offer.

  • Once an Onboarding template has been issued to candidate(s) it is no longer editable and the ‘Save’ button will no longer appear.
  • A copy button has been added to Onboarding Templates to make the process of updating new versions of onboarding templates easier.

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Email Notifications

Within the onboarding template setup, you can set up email notifications to IT and/or HR (or any other two email addresses) when Onboarding is marked as complete for a candidate.

To do so select the user you wish the email notifications to be sent to and the relevant email template.

Press Save.

Welcome Hub Template

Within the onboarding template setup, you can define which Welcome Hub Template should be displayed when Onboarding is marked as complete for a candidate.



Select the relevant template from the list of options and then Save. 

Automated Referencing

The Online referencing feature comes as standard as part of the Onboarding module. It allows users to collect references via an online portal, either at the same time or separate to the onboarding process. 


When the process is started, a referee receives an email containing randomly generated login details which asks them to log into the referencing portal to complete a bespoke online reference form for the chosen candidate. Once the reference is submitted, the login details expire and can no longer be used.

Please contact your Continuous Improvement Consultant or Implementation Manager for further support or advice on implementing the referencing functionality.


Specifying the minimum number of references required from a candidate.

You can specify the minimum number of references required from candidates during the application process for each different candidate portal.


Go to Settings > System Settings > System Customisation.


Within System Customisation navigate to the Other tab and scroll down to Reference Settings. 


Select from the dropdown menu the minimum number of references required from candidates for each portal and then Save.

Once you have made this change, any candidates who apply moving forwards will be required to add the minimum number of references.

Referencing Notifications

You can configure your Jobtrain system to send automated notifications to the New Reference Admin and Hiring Manager once referees have either completed or declined an online reference. For details of how to activate this feature please follow the steps detailed below.

Setup - Step 1 - Create email templates

You will need to create two email templates

  • Reference Complete Notification
  • Reference Declined Notification

Go to Settings > Communications > Emails Templates. Select Create Email Template and then create the two email templates.


Please see the Example Email Templates section of this guide for example content and merge fields.


Setup – Step 2 - System Customisation

Once the email templates are created, they need to be set in System Customisation. Go to Settings > System Customisation.

Navigate to the Emails tab on this page.



Scroll down to the heading Set Onboarding References Default Email and add in the relevant email templates.



Press Save.

Example Email Templates

It is important to use the correct merge fields in your referencing email templates as highlighted below:

Online Reference Request


We are considering {CANDIDATES.FIRSTNAME} {CANDIDATES.LASTNAME} for the {JOBS.JOBTITLEFORCANDIDATES} position with us. They have given permission for us to contact you and request a reference. 

Please follow the instructions below to complete a short online reference in support of this application. Please note - this request must be completed in one single session and the password is valid for a single use only.

Step 1 – To open the online reference request form click here (TIP: URL behind the link is https://clienturl/ReferenceForm/Login.aspx

Step 2 – Enter the email address and password provided below: 

Email Address     <<USERNAME>> 
Password            <<PASSWORD>> 

Step 3 - complete and submit the request and close your internet browser. 

If your session is interrupted, or your password expires, please contact us on the below details. If you are unable to complete this online form, please either email or post back to us at the below details. If sending via post, please stamp the reference or enclose a company compliment slip. 

Thank you in advance for taking the time to complete this reference request. 

Kind Regards, 


Online Reference Request – Reminder

In your online reference request reminder email template, it’s important to note that the merge fields for Username and Password are slightly different.


When sending reference reminders via the system, please make sure your email templates have the correct merge fields for username and password which are detailed below.


We are considering {CANDIDATES.FIRSTNAME} {CANDIDATES.LASTNAME} for the {JOBS.JOBTITLEFORCANDIDATES} position with us. They have given permission for us to contact you and request a reference.

Please follow the instructions below to complete a short online reference in support of this application. Please note - this request must be completed in one single session and the password is valid for a single use only

Step 1 – To open the online reference request form click here (TIP: URL behind the link is https://clienturl/ReferenceForm/Login.aspx)

Step 2 – Enter the username and password provided below:

Username: {UserName}
Password: {Password}

Step 3 - complete and submit the request and close your internet browser.

If your session is interrupted, or your password expired, please contact us on the below details. If you are unable to complete this online form, please either email or post back to us at the below details. If sending via post, please stamp the reference or enclose a company compliment slip.

Thank you in advance for taking the time to complete this reference request. 

Kind Regards,


Reference Completed Notification


Please note a reference request has been completed for the following candidate below. Please log in to review.



Reference Declined Notification


Please note a reference has been declined for the following candidate below. Please log in to review.


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